Family Office Services

Comprehensive private client services and support for all our families

We understand our families have needs beyond the daily investment management services. Through our network of partners and providers, we can facilitate many other services such as estate planning, tax, real estate acquisition, cash management and lending.

A broad network of professional service providers is available to integrate with your wealth management strategy

  • Accounting Solutions

    Tax-efficient portfolio construction with the help of a top notch accountant

  • Financial Planning

    Ability to develop a cash management plan for client withdraws

  • Family Governance

    Structure a family board to facilitate decisions for family members

  • Life Insurance

    Network of Life Insurance experts to integrate life insurance to the client's portfolio

  • Concierge Services

    Ability to help clients with everday life management services

  • Estate Planning

    Network of lawyers to help clients with asset protection, and other estate issues

  • Philatrophic Planning

    Develop charity and other philanthropic alternatives to improve tax efficiency

  • Real Estate Acquistion

    Network of top real estate brokers to help the client acquire property throughout the United States